You Tube

viernes, 10 de junio de 2016

Verano (2)

5 comentarios:

  1. Into the Cloud

    What do you have with you
    now my small traveller
    suddenly on the way
    and all at once so far

    on legs that never were
    up to the life that you
    led them and breathing with
    the shortness breath comes to

    my endless company
    when you could come to me
    you would stay close to me
    until the day was done

    o closest to my breath
    if you are able to
    please wait a while longer
    on that side of the cloud

    — W.S. Merwin, from his Pulitzer Prize-winning book of poems, The Shadow of Sirius (2009)

  2. Guillermo (debo investigar más sobre W.S. Merwin), Juan, muchas gracias, este tipo de fotos son diferentes, creo.

    Un abrazo

  3. Respuestas
    1. Solamente en este época del año puedo hacer este tipo de fotos, anocheciendo desde el coche, mientras vuelvo a casa.

      Un abrazo
